K20-B (Animation)
2007. Video, looped, 3′06″
The plan drawing based on CAD data from the long-term project Der Bau serves as the basis of the animation. Der Bau becomes only fragmentarily visible. The visible and the invisible alternate, without gaining an overview. As digital dramatization, the animation resorts to the medium of the physical world and integrates it into an indissoluble, infinite pull on the virtual surface.
Der Bau, of which K20-B is also part, has been growing since 2003 as a multimedia artistic setting and artistic/philosophical and in part also scientific experiment. The website (www.der-bau.ch) shows the current state of the growing and changing formation with currently about 50 attributions to singular architectural fragments.
As an architectural data sculpture (Datenplastik), Der Bau grows as a figure of space-time, makes time visible and produces and broaches the issue of space/spaces. A variety of spatial categories are productively interwoven as a virtual-physical reality and the (physical) ground between transparency and intransparency, space of projection or thought, heterotopia and utopia are sounded out. Movements of deterritorialization and production offer themselves, which also point to the political/utopian as an emancipatory artistic approach to "world production".
Sandro Steudler is a visual artist. Curatorial activity, runs the art space luke, holds a PhD of the Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg.
Various national and international exhibitions: Kirchner Museum Davos, Kunstraum Baden, Haus für Kunst Uri, Kunstmuseum Bochum, Kunstraum Düsseldorf et al. Teaches at various universities, Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), University of the Arts Bern (HKB), University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Basel (HGK FHNW), Lucerne School of Art and Design (HSLU) et al.